Hello There!

I am Adrian, founder of the orimus GmbH (the company behind Breastinform) and

very happy to hear that you are interested in becoming our partner.

Lots of work has gone into Breastinform, the app and the surrounding campaign.

Lots of functions were created, lots of bugs needed to be fixed again and again.

Every hour, every day and every month was totally worth it and the

result makes me honestly very proud.

I am truly passionate about improving women's health, making a difference and

really hope that we all together could lower breast cancer rates on the long term.

If you want to know more about the Breastinform, feel free to ask me via the contact form or visit www.breastinform.com.

Let me be honest with you: The goal of the app is not to get big returns out of it. The goal is to achieve better

education, awareness and care for breast health among women.

I have used my own time and private savings for the development of the app to stay independent

from investors looking for returns or any kind of profit. I wanted to complete the app with all

the time needed, create functions that are really useful, unique and helpful. Women should

not see this app as "app". They should see it as a friend, a companion in their everyday life.

To stay independent and to develop more cool stuff (yes, I have a lot more in mind to make a change ;-)) I would

really love to have a few partners I can rely on.

There are plenty of advantages in becoming a partner for you and your company:

Impactful Collaboration 

Your involvement will amplify the reach of our awareness efforts. Together, we can raise awareness

among a wider audience and encourage individuals to prioritize their health.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Businesses play a vital role in driving social change. Your partnership with our breast cancer awareness program

demonstrates your dedication to social responsibility and philanthropy. Supporting Breastinform aligns with

broader social responsibility efforts. It demonstrates your commitment to making the world a better place,

contributing to meaningful causes, and ultimately fostering a positive image for your company.

Drive Innovation

Breastinform contributes to innovative methods of education that should lead to a breakthrough in knowledge

and awareness for breast cancer patients. Even if we believe it's the most versatile breast cancer awareness app

ever created, we are still constantly trying to improve it even further.

Media Visibility

Companies that actively participate in health campaigns can garner positive media visibility, which not only highlights your company's social responsibility efforts but also provides valuable exposure to a broader audience.

Be Part of a Movement and create a Ripple Effect

Joining a Breastinform allows your company to be part of a global movement for change, amplifying your impact beyond

the company’s immediate circle. Supporting our breast cancer campaign can inspire others to get involved,

creating a ripple effect of awareness and action within communities.

Invest in Tomorrow

Breastinform isn't just about the present; it's about creating a lasting impact for generations to come. Supporting us

invests in the future, ensuring that future generations have access to improved breast health resources and care.

Lead by Example 

Promoting health and well-being aligns with the broader sustainability goals of every company. Partnering up with

Breastinform demonstrates leadership and a commitment to positive change, setting an example for others to follow.

By investing in healthier communities and a healthier workforce, your company can actively

contribute to a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Make History and build a legacy

Allow your company to leave a positive legacy. It's an opportunity to be part of something meaningful, contributing to

a better future for generations to come. By participating in our breast cancer campaign, your company contributes to

the collective effort that will be remembered as a pivotal point in the fight against breast cancer.

Positive Brand Association

Align your brand with a cause that matters deeply to people's lives. Actively partner up with Breastinform to

demonstrate your commitment to social responsibility and community well-being. Enhance your reputation and

brand image, making them more attractive to consumers who value ethical and socially conscious businesses

to make a lasting positive impression.

Customized Partnership Options 

We offer flexible partnership options that can be tailored to your business's preferences and goals. From co-branded

initiatives to engagement events, we are committed to creating a partnership that aligns with your values.


Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, want to support us, or want to partner up with us.

We will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss further options.

Thank You!

Contact us!

Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, want to support us, or want to partner up with us.


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